Retinopathy of Prematurity

Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) is a potentially sight-threatening condition that primarily affects premature infants, particularly those born before 31 weeks of gestation or weighing less than 1,250 grams. In ROP, abnormal blood vessels develop in the retina, the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye, which can lead to vision impairment or even blindness if left untreated. The risk factors for ROP include prematurity, low birth weight, and prolonged use of oxygen therapy. Screening and timely intervention are crucial for managing ROP effectively.

Dr. Prafull Vijayakar

Genetic code of Homoeopathy

Vol: 001 – Feb 2011


Case of R.O.P. (retinopathy of prematurity)

Baby of Anita

Treatment started on: 21-9-03

Date of delivery 23-6-03; delivered at 27th week; expected date of delivery was 23-9-03

Birth weight = 900gms


A case of a premature child suffering from R.O.P (retinopathy of prematurity) observed in

both the eyes, more in the right than in the left. Four sittings of laser treatment given before

15th Sept’03.


15/09/03, Observation of Ophthalmologist:

Left Eye: Stage 2. Good regression of blood vessels.

Right Eye: Extra-retinal blood vessels rapidly progressing with tortuosity. (Rush Disease);

Partial detachment of the retina


SUMMARY: Abnormal growth of blood vessels in the retinal area.

Report as on 21.9.03

Doctor’s Observations:


Child’s growth is good though premature child.


1] Child drinks milk very fast initially but later very slowly. Very frequent requirement of

feeds during night.

2] Frequent urination. Weeps before urination and after bed-wetting.

3] Child drinks the milk initially fast then becomes sleepy and falls asleep before finishing the whole bottle. (observed by mother).

4] Sleepiness while drinking milk.

5] Child is breast-fed 4-5 times a day and also bottle fed of baby food 5-6 times a day.

The child pushes the bottle or breast away by hand if the child is not willing to drink.

6] Flatulence is loud and frequent nearly 10 times a day.

7] Child plays & smiles when touched on scalp, cheeks or lips.

8] Likes company of mother or someone (observed by mother)

9] Better when wrapped. Wants to keep the arms away from the body, wants to keep them

aloof (observed by mother).

10] Strains for stool but passes normal stools.

11] Child sleeps comfortably on the lap of mother or nurse. Keeps awake more at night and

towards early morning than in day time.

12] Startles now & then about 3-4 times a day.

14] Hiccough now & then.

15] Twists and turns frequently as if shrugging laziness.

16] Keeps changing position of arms & legs.

17] Keeps the mouth open.

18] Often keeps the hand above the head.


Ailments treated from birth: Recurrent Apnoea, Sepsis, Neonatal Necrotizing

Enterocolitis, Bronchopneumonia.


This was psora it has now developed into syphilis.


Side AFFECTION: right to left


The child was not looking 3 months old but 6 months. Whatever is peculiar, we

have to take into consideration. So we want a fast-growing remedy.

Within 3 months the child had suffered from bronchopneumonia, enterocolitis and

finally ROP, a remedy that was syphilitic, so we have Merc, Iod, Nit-ac, Tarent, Flac,

Hep, Tub.

It is difficult to assess thermals in this case.


Now we have to find out what was syphilitic in this?

Appetite was increased and also at night and after drinking, the child had

overpowering sleep; overpowering is syphilitic.

SLEEPINESS eating during (8)

1 agar, 1 bov, 1 calc-p, 1 cham, 3 KALI-C, 2 phos, 1 puls, 1 sarr


Puls, Kali-c, Bov are slow, the rest are fast.  

Can she be Cham? She is not angry

The seat of action in agar is Nerves.


Complete – Generals

SIDE right left, then (43)

1 acet-ac, 1 acon, 1 am-c, 1 ambr, 1 anac, 1 androc, 1 ap-g, 2 apis, 1 ars, 1 ars-met, 1

aspar, 1 bar-c, 1 bell, 1 benz-ac, 1 bry, 1 calc-p, 1 canth, 1 carb-ac, 2 caust, 1 chel, 1 choc, 1

cupr, 1 graph, 1 hydrog, 1 lil-t, 3 LYC, 1 merc-i-f, 1 mez, 1 ol-j, 1 ox-ac, 2 phos, 1 ptel, 1

rheum, 1 rumx, 3 SABAD, 1 sang, 1 saroth, 1 spong, 1 sul-ac, 1 sulph, 1 syph, 1 thiop, 2



Can she be Phos, what does she like?

Caressing of the mother!


Calc-p. and phos both are fast growing, both are timid. Both are tall. Both are right to left.


What is the seat of action? Eyes, retina!


DETACHMENT retina, of (13)

1 abel, 1 apis, 1 aur, 1 dig, 2 gels, 1 jab, 1 napht, 1 naphtin, 1 nat-sal, 1 nuph, 1 phos, 1

piloc, 1 ruta

Calc-p. is more on the bones less on the blood vessels, more on the muscles and


Phos. more on the respiratory tract and the blood vessels.


Phos. 200 single dose was given.


After Phos something peculiar happened, the doctor didn’t stop the next operation.

If the remedy is working, a surgeon can never touch our patient.


So this time, when she was given anaesthesia, she reacted so badly and she had to be taken out of the operation theatre.


Our remedies, if right, are like a protection shield against any bad influence!


Follow-up on 11.09.2004

With the left eye she can see and with the right eye a little bit.

No vaccination, no antibiotics given so far.


Next Follow-up

She is very fine, She developed eruptions on her body, her eyesight has come back.

Today she is going to a normal school, normally growing up.


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