Rheumatic Heart Disease

Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) is a serious condition that develops as a complication of untreated or inadequately treated streptococcal infections, such as strep throat or scarlet fever. In RHD, the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks the heart valves, leading to inflammation and damage. Over time, this can result in scarring and thickening of the heart valves, impairing their function and causing symptoms such as breathlessness, fatigue, and chest pain. RHD predominantly affects children and young adults in low- and middle-income countries,

Dr. Prafull Vijayakar

Genetic code of homoeopathy

Vol II June 2011


Name – XYZ

Age – 45 yrs.

Sex – Female.

Occupation – Housewife


Diagnosis – RHEUMATIC HEART DISEASE. (mitral valve regurgitation)


Chief complaint:



Weakness general.

Since 4-5 days pain in groins


Journey of Disease:

Patient was getting tired easily and would get breathless.

Cold and cough increased since 1984

She was diagnosed of valvular heart disease 1 month prior to her marriage.


Oct. 1984 – Mitral valve repair using annuloplasty of ring done.

July 1990 – Mitral valve replacement done.

Oct. 1991 – Right sided paralysis for one hour and swelling over liver. Took ayurvedic treatment. Was given warfarin.

1998 – Diagnosed with tuberculous peritonitis and took AKT

May 1999 – Tricuspid valve repair using annuloplasty of ring done.


Hyperthyroid since 6 yrs.

Had pain in left side of chest and difficulty in working with left hand and so doctor advised to do blood test and was diagnosed as hyperthyroid.

Varicose veins since 11-12 yrs.

Currently on medicine:

Lenoxine 5 mg ½ for day, Fusinex 100 mg 1 —– 0 —– 1

Aldactone 1 —– 0 —– 1, ASA 1 —– 0 —– 1

Zaart 5 mg 0 —– 1 —– 0, Supradyn 0 —– 1 —– 0

Folicition 0 —– 1 —– 0, Eltroxin 50 mg 1 —– 0 —– 0

Uniwarfarin 0 —– 0 —– 1, Autrin 0 —– 1 —– 0

LA – 12 inj. Every 21 days


Menstrual histroy:

Menopausal since 6 yrs.

Since 1995 only spotting for 1 day

Cycle – 2-3/27 days

Flow – scanty, regular, dark red, no clots, offensive, non-staining.

Before during and after menses no complaint.

Leucorrhoea – occasionally, white, non-offensive and non-staining, non-pruritic and non-burning.


Obstetric history: G3 P0 A3 L0

A1 and A3 miscarriage

A2 is still birth.

No complaint during pregnancy.

Past history:

Typhoid in childhood was unconscious for 3-4 days


Family history:

Mother, Father – hypertension

Grandfather and elder sister – asthma



Appetite –Good. Can tolerate hunger.

Craving – Chatpata, add extra salt on salad.

Aversion – Food without salt.

Thirst –Thirstless.

Thermal – Ambi thermal but wants fan throughout the year.

Sleep – On lesser side due to constant thoughts.

Dreams –Nothing specific.

Stool – Unsatisfactory stools, hard has to strain, first part hard then soft.

Urine – Retention of urine. Has to go frequently for small quantities. Any change in

diet causes retention.


Physical sensitivity:

Sun – Cannot tolerate causes headache

Light – Headache with yellow light.

Tight clothes can’t tolerate. (Since the illness began)

Palms and whole body feel warm.



Presently patient stays with her husband. She was 5th among the 7 siblings; she had 4

sisters and 2 brothers. She was born in Kuchh (Gujrat) and came to Mumbai when she

was 7yrs. old and since then lived with her brother and sister-in-law till 20 yrs. of age.


Childhood: Father was very strict and dominating. I would get scared a lot of my father

and grandfather. I would not like it when my father would shout at my mother and I

would tell him that it is not my mother’s fault.

I can never tolerate injustice but can never speak and retaliate against it.


(Observation – Patient was weeping while talking about her childhood.)


In childhood she would never weep but now she weeps at trifles.

Keeps on brooding about it. She says I cannot sleep due to my thoughts.

I feel who can make my thoughts go away.

Sensitive to criticism, reprimands would get angry at that time.

Lot of suppressed anger.

Says I never weep in front of anyone, If I feel like weeping, I weep alone at night.

I am never happy, even if someone buys something for me or even gives millions of

rupees to me, I cannot be happy or express it.


E.g.: – My doctor did my tricuspid valve operation and everyone was happy but I could

not be happy and I could not thank my doctor or show my gratitude or enthusiasm to


Not affected by anything. Not sensitive to anything – no grief or happiness.

I have never got love in my childhood.

My life has been the same always before and after marriage.

I feel I have lived till now, just because of my will power.

I have no fear of death how much ever I have to live; I will live.

When death has to come, it will come, so what to fear about it.

When someone says something to me , I get affected a lot by it, then I give an answer

and that time the other person get scared of me as he knows that I catch hold of things

very well and know how to back answer.

I can be sarcastic also. E.g.: – I was told by my doctor that I will die in 5 yrs in 1990. When I

met him before 3rd operation in 1999, I told him I have lived more than 5 yrs. you told me

such a thing, don’t tell anyone else like this again.

I got married at 20 yrs of age in 1984.


After marriage –

Patient lived In a joint family. Her mother-in-law would taunt her, it used to hurt her a lot.

Her husband would also taunt her. At that time she would always feel guilty. She would

always feel that they are saying because I was unwell and because of me they are all


Sometimes I also feel that I am doing so much for them, still they taunt me.

Was operated in 6 months of marriage and she had to listen a lot from them.

My brother-in-law and sister-in-law took away the house, shop from us and I would

understand everything but would not speak and had to always suppress myself and

would weep when alone.


My Brother-in-Law was also very dominating but now I have become very stubborn and

have decided to not bow down to him.

I don’t accept anything from anyone. (Egoistic)

Sensitive to opinion of others. I don’t want anyone to talk bad about me.

I still feel bad when someone says anything about me.

I feel that I cannot keep my mother-in-law with me, what she must be thinking because of

me she is getting troubled (Anxiety conscience of)


I wanted to adopt a child but my husband does not want it because he says that you are

unwell and if something happens to you then who will take care of that child. He has

never said anything about not having a child but I want children.

He also said what if you expire and if I marry again then what if she doesn’t take care of


He does not want to get surrogate child also.

I never got support from my parent’s side. They say you must live as you are supposed to

live in your in-laws house.

Average in studies. Studied till SSC, wanted someone to teach her and could not go for

tuition as could not afford it.

I was always been taught to buy and spend within my limits.

I don’t have much desire to buy and wear new things.

I do yoga, pranayama, healing, acupressure since 10 yrs.

I am more spiritual. I am moody. I get angry but can never express it.

I don’t like interference.

Mild and Timid. I cannot sleep alone or be alone in house at night.

I never break relationships but will speak less to that person. I will say sorry also even if it is

not my mistake.


Husband’s view:

Was mild earlier, now has become stubborn, irritable and angry.

She has strong will power. She is a positive person.

She points others’ mistake when anyone is doing some work in front of her.

Not demanding for material things.



After hearing the whole case Dr. Vijayakar asked the Assistant Dr. What process is

going on in this female at the miasmatic and pathological level?


In this Female Sycosis Shallow i.e. elastin less process is giving rise to severe intensity

complaints which are syphilitic in expression.

1st she had Mitral valve regurgitation and after this she had Tricuspid valve



Means that the Valves of the heart were not able to close completely and thereby

causing regurgitation. For proper functioning and recoiling of the valves ELASTIN is

required hence if there is regurgitation means valves have become loose i.e. elastin

production has gone less in this constitution at the genetic level.


Every cell of a human speaks or expresses the same genetic code which gets

confirmed when we see that.


As she has unsatisfactory stools i.e. she had to sit for long and have to strain

a lot this means her intestines also have less of elastin so no powerful

peristalsis occurring.


She has complaint of Urine retention i.e. her bladder is unable to contract

properly and empty whole bladder which is also because of less elastin in

Urinary Bladder muscles.


She has varicose veins that means her veins have become distended and

are dilated means that elastin has gone less in the musculature of veins too.


Mind and Body speaks the same language the elastin less mental attitude

should be there which was seen as Indifference at the mental plane, where

this female has told that – give me anything I am neither Happy nor Sad. I

cannot express my Gratitude to others.


I am never happy, even if someone buys something for me or even gives millions of

rupees to me, I cannot be happy or express it.

E.g: – My doctor did my tricuspid valve operation and everyone was happy but I

could not be happy and I could not thank my doctor or show my gratitude or

enthusiasm to him.


She is not affected by anything, not sensitive to anything – no grief or happiness.

Further Dr. Vijayakar asked the female that when you would live with your Brother

and Sister-in-Law what fear was there in your mind?


She answered that as I was staying with them the only thing, I would be worried

always was that they should not have any complaints or troubles from my side this

fear always would be there in my mind.

The other syphilitic symptom in her is Anxiety conscience of.


SOA: Heart, G.I.T., Urinary Bladder, Veins

MIASM: Syco-Syphilis





Mental make-up:






Sensitive to criticism




Anxiety conscience of


Physical Characteristic: Sun exposure < headache

Thermal: Hot

Thirst: Thirstless



Thus keeping in Mind the patients Disposition along with the General and Disease

make up and past history of Typhoid during which she was unconscious for three

days she was Prescribed Carbo Veg 200 Single dose on 5/12/08




! After medicine stomatitis since last one week

! Got her periods after four years

! Acidity increased

! Weakness is less than before

! Urination frequency better than before

Remedy given : SL



! Weakness is better

! Ascites has reduced

! Appetite improved

Remedy given : SL



! Weakness increased since last 15 days

! Mild ascites

! Pain all over body

! She has been applying some ointment for pain since

2-3 weeks

Remedy given : SL



! Pain all over body >>

! Weakness better than before

Remedy given : SL


Note: Difference between Indifference, Apathy and Contented.

Indifference, apathy is a Syphilitic Rubric where no emotions are involved or shown to

the particular situation, Emotions are affected towards others or to the situations.


Apathy demonstrated by absence of emotional reactions or enthusiasm, a casual

lack of concern for things around. A state where a person does not have any interest in

things happening in front of him i.e. they are not the one who will get excited or show

lot of emotions.


Contented is Syco-syphilitic rubric where the person is very much satisfied with whatever

he has achieved or got or earned in his life, they do not have demands for things.

Quietly happy and satisfied: peacefully happy and satisfied with the way things are or

with what has been done.

If a Contented person is thirsty and a half glass of water will be given to drink, he will take

it happily and will be satisfied with it.

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