Down's Syndrom

Down syndrome is a genetic condition caused by the presence of an extra chromosome 21. It typically results in distinctive facial features, intellectual disability, and developmental delays. However, the extent of these characteristics can vary widely among individuals. People with Down syndrome often exhibit a warm and affectionate demeanor, and with early intervention and support, they can lead fulfilling lives. While challenges may arise, the Down syndrome community thrives on inclusion, resilience, and a celebration of diversity.

Down’s Syndrome

Dr. Prafull Vijayakar

Work shop 2002 at Mahabaleshwar

From Verbatim, reprint edition Jan 2005



The child is very calm and Quiet. The mother was very happy, as she never had any problems with the child. While she was working in the kitchen, the child would lie down peacefully and calmly, but does not like people crowding. When too many people come into the house, she becomes very frightened and starts crying. She likes to be alone, aloof. Also, the child cries and vomits when she drinks milk. This had been a continuous factor.


First, the mother thought maybe I am not lactating properly and the child would be hungry, so she started top feed, other artificial milk, and yet the vomiting continued. She noticed that the outside milk was giving more problems, especially because it was heated and given warm. The child became very restless after milk feed, especially more with outside milk. Then, she stopped the milk and started some warm soups. The same things happened—the child would be restless and vomit it out. When anything warm; warm soup or warm milk went inside, the child could not tolerate this warmness.


Dr. Vijayakar: Does she tolerate covering?


Mother: She is worse from fan, her hair stands up on edges and yet she throws off coverings. She has profuse perspiration especially over the head.


Dr. Vijayakar: This means she is chilly, but cannot tolerate warmth of bed or coverings. What can you prescribe for this 6-month-old child?



 Physical generals : Round, obese child (sycotic).

Profuse perspiration.

Aggravated milk,

especially warm milk.


 Mental generals Calm.


Reserved, aggravated presence of many

people, did not like people around.



SaniculaVery angry, irritable, cranky, with sudden mood swings. A playing child will suddenly start crying without reason. It is a mixture of CHAM, PULS, and SULPH. Excessive perspiration around the head. The discharges are also offensive. Usually, lean and thin, not fat and chubby.


CalcareaTimid, but does love magnetism, touch, coziness. This child hates people, does not want people to come around.


SiliceaSILICEA is not such a misanthropist; the patient does not want loneliness.


Nat-carb: Chilly, aggravated milk, but not that restlessness, and no anxiety after milk.


Rubrics taken:

 Mood repulsive food milk.

 Anxiety aggravated eating warm food.

 Aggravated milk.



Physically, she was rounded and chubby.

She was given MAG-CARB. The child was kept on MAG-CARB 10 M—1 dose and later on 50 M, one to two doses per year for almost 6 to 7 years.

The improvement was good, the intelligence increased, and the child was admitted to a normal school. She passed the entrance exam, finished her 1st, 2nd, 3rd, till the 5th std. like an absolutely normal child.

Suddenly, one fine day she comes to me. She is now in 5th standard in a normal school in Parle (Mumbai) and competing with the other intelligent children there.



21.08.2002 (patient is now 12 years): She came and stood in front of me and asked, “Do you recognize me? Who am I?”


Dr. Vijayakar: Yes, I recognize you. Do you know me?


Patient: Yes, you are the doctor.


Dr. Vijayakar: Do you understand English?


Patient: Yes.


Dr. Vijayakar: What is your name? What is your teacher’s name? What is it?


Patient: (She tells her name fast.) My teacher’s name is Meena. She looks at her mother and says why is he asking again and again?


Dr. Vijayakar: (This irritation is angry when obliged to answer.) Sorry, I did not hear. Is her nature irritable like that? Which subjects do you like more?


Patient: Science and Maths (frown on the head).


Dr. Vijayakar: (A Down’s syndrome child is interested in science!) What else are you learning?


Patient’s mother: Carrom and bharatnatyam. She defeats me in carrom. She plays table tennis and badminton also. She also does swimming. She is curious and likes to learn new things. She is also a good folk dancer. She picks up things very easily. She knows how to cook food. She helps me in the kitchen. She is 12 years old and has got her menses when she was in the 2nd Std. She knows how to handle her menstrual period and not to tell anyone.


Dr. Vijayakar (to delegates): These people are not supposed to have good co-ordination. This child has such beautiful co-ordination; she is so good at it that she defeats her mother. This girl has been offered a role in a Hindi movie because they have never seen a Mongol child, who can be so normal, but her parents are very reserved. See the intelligence, the precocity; she is not a typical mentally retarded child.


Dr. Vijayakar: What is the name of your school?


Patient: Nanavati.


Dr. Vijayakar: How many friends do you have?


Patient: Ankush and Hiral. Ankush failed in 4th Std., but she went ahead! He is her very fast friend. She speaks to him after school. They used to sit on the same bench in 4th Std.


Dr. Vijayakar: The normal child failed! Good you came to meet me today. I am very happy.

How many Mongol children would come to meet the doctor? It was her suggestion to come to see me.


Patient: Thank you.


Dr. Vijayakar: Why did you want to come and meet me?


Patient: Like that only.


Patient’s mother: All teachers love her very much. A new principal had come to school and she asked me, why have you put your Down’s syndrome child in a normal school? Because in my 35 years of experience, I have never seen any Down’s syndrome child studying with normal children. If other children are scoring well, then this child might develop inferiority complex. I said okay, we shall see in the first unit test. It was a 40-minute paper. The girl completed the whole paper in 30 minutes.


Dr. Vijayakar: It makes me emotional. This is the victory of Homoeopathy. It is Homoeopathy at work. I literally feel like reporting this case to the Guiness Book of World records or somewhere that Homoeopathy can do something like this.

How much percentage does she get?


Patient: 55-60%. All class teachers are saying, “Don’t worry; if the principal tells her anything, we are there to support her”. I told the principal, suppose tomorrow she is not able to pick up, then I will remove her and keep her at home. But until now she has been doing well and I am sure she will do well. At least if she studies well, she can stand on her own feet and do her normal job what normal people are doing. I had gone to another school and asked the principal there, is there any problem if I put my child in a normal school? That principal was surprised how is she doing so well!


Dr. Vijayakar: Mother had anxiety of conscience—am I doing right or wrong? Her (patient’s) aversion to strangers and introvertedness is still there. She still gets nervous in the presence of strangers.


Dr. Vijayakar: Thank you.


Patient: Welcome.


So, now can you define the scope of Homoeopathy? So, what has happened? What is this child who was not supposed to have normal intelligence is now competing with normal people, doing all normal extra-curricular activities, even to the extent of having precocity of her menses? If we can modify such a 21 trisomy, it means Homoeopathy must be having a fantastic power to modify the mutated genes or change (not cure) despite the disease, the syco-syphilitic miasm. These children are born with sycotic miasm and go into syphilitic miasm. So, despite the syco-syphilitic influence on the genetics, the child is growing as a normal child.


This is what I call as nullifying the effect of a destructive miasm.


The child is supposed to be destroyed, but yet we have been able to fully compensate her, can we call this cure? Yes. Pathologically, she still remains uncured, but for all practical purposes, she is leading a normal life. This is what Hahnemann says in aphorism 1 and 8.

Now the question of potency, why 10M and 50M? The most dynamic thing is affected here and the highest dynamic dilution will only have an effect on the genetics. The more the physical, the more the superficial, the lower the potency. The more the dynamic, higher is the potency.


Delegate: Similarly, in cancer and AIDS where genetic mutation has taken place, can we use the same principle?


Dr. Vijayakar: This depends upon the vitality of the patient. If the genetic code is very much disturbed and the physicals have become bad that the patient has gone down in health, the vital force is weakened, if we give a dynamic potency, the patient will go into severe aggravation. In cancer and AIDS, the genetic mutation is secondary; in Down’s syndrome, it is primary.  

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